Rhetorical Analysis Of Kristi Dosh's Essay

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Kristi Dosh uses a lot of evidence to try and back up her stance on this topic. She starts off strong by talking about a conference where there was a bright attorney. She fails to include supporting evidence on what the attorney said and evidence of when or where the conference was held. There is not enough evidence to convince her audience of whether or not this anecdote is reliable and creditable information. Dosh also talks about different people in her essay like, Darren Heitner, who is a writer for the Sports Agent Blog. She includes his stance on allowing agents to pay the athletes to give her stance a more reliable background from other sources which is very successful. She paraphrases everyone’s statements into her own words which consequently takes away from the…show more content…
However, she includes information from recognized universities like LSU, Notre Dame, Ohio State and many more. LSU told Dosh that they, “sent back about $8 million back to the university last year” (Dosh 577). People who are on her side will agree with these statistics that she found, whereas people who are against her view on this controversy will have a problem with these facts. Ultimately the lack of evidence and supporting citations did not help Kristi Dosh in reaching her target audience. Kristi Dosh appeals to ethos continuously throughout her essay to show her authority on this information with the knowledge she knows from the field she is in. As explained in her bio, “Kristi Dosh is a professional writer, speaker, sports business analyst, content marketer, attorney and author” (“About”). She includes a lot of information that she already has from being in her career. For example, she states “I use Western Kentucky as an example because I have their budget in front of me” (Dosh 577). Since she has a lot of information from these different colleges, it is easy for her to find out whether these colleges can really pay all their athletes and where all the money is going to come from.

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