Essay About Travelling

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It was a trip to Thailand that I first experienced getting out of the country. I was probably 5 years old and my mom was given tickets from the company she was working at as a reward for reaching a quota that they are asking. Though I do not remember all of the details it was truly an unforgettable trip. We weren’t those families who can spend much. We have enough money for our needs and that is why the experience of traveling was truly special for me. Fast forward a few years later, we have been truly blessed by God to be able to experience to go to places that I only dreamed of going before. For me traveling can be done by going anywhere, whether familiar or new. It doesn’t matter if it’s in another town, in a new country or in a continent on the other side of the world. And it does not matter how long you are…show more content…
Firstly because even if you have planned everything down even to the last detail, you cannot expect the trip to go 100 percent according to plan. There are a lot of external forces that will influence you and your decisions. So it’s important to be flexible. Weather changes, accidents happen, and plans change. These are the things you have no control of and you do not know how to cope with it or you cannot adapt to these change then you won’t get to enjoy and experience anything. Getting mad at something that didn’t go according to plan will not help improve the situation. And lastly unless you want a constant body ache, packing light is a must. The lighter your backpack is, the better. It taught me to survive without a lot of things and only bring things that I truly really need. This gave me a refresher about needs and wants. I learned how to improvise and live without the things that I once thought were going to be difficult to live without. I have to willing to let go and don’t be afraid to leave things that would hold me back

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