Disadvantages Of Social Capital

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individual who are representing a common authority that is capable of finding solutions in solving socially common problems an example of it is to over come free rider problems. The fifth possible form of social capital is the existing social capital that can be appropriated to new and improved purposes, and the last form the sixth form of social capital is the social capital resulting from investment, because it often takes place in businesses where capital is a must and for business organization requires continous flow of investments. Organizations producing public goods can create social capital in two alternative ways the first one is the social capital inherent from the existing organization can re use its capital or to use it in other…show more content…
The second one social capital provides insurance functions. The next is the third one social capital also provides education function. The next one is social capital not onlly identification but has also mobilization function. Amounting that social capital can lead to better identification with a group and facilitates mobilization of such collective actions. Social capital can be beneficial to internal conditions as well as to external conditions. The internal dimension of social capital is it is being used as a resource by a group, an individual or an organization. And the external dimension means that social capital is not only for organizations or for individuals but it has a greater meaning for it can be useful for the society as a…show more content…
Thus market refers not only the clients, customers or users, but also to the volunteers, donors, third parry payers and workers and to anyone who participate in the success of the organization. But a social entrepreneurial organization’s concern is “with its target group of customers or the beneficiaries whose social problem it wants to solve the incentives all incentives that a social entrepreneurial organization/ enterprise creates is to motivate the stakeholders to contribute their resources aligned with the value proposition . and also there are three differentiation of the way a social entrepreneurial organization addresses their target group or beneficiaries, they create social value with their target group, for their target group and a hybrid model that is the combination of the first two

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