Forensic Science: Problems With Law Enforcement

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Thomas Wilson Pollard-5th Forensic Science Problems with law enforcement Most officers enter the job because they want to make a difference in the world. But within a couple of years they become hardened by the thought they do not make much of a difference. It feels like crime increases no matter how hard an officer works. "The harder I work the more behind I get" often holds true in police work. Even the thought of the pleasures of life can make joy, fulfillment, and satisfaction scarce. People who choose a police career path are not different from the rest of the population in personality characteristics. Police have a high degree of carrier solitude. The initiation process for police recruits emphasizes the danger of their new status…show more content…
Because it all remains extremely stressful alcohol and/or drug use helps only a short term solution. The long term answer depends on getting rid of the cause of the stress. Close to 10 percent of the whole population participates in drug abuse compared to as much as 35 percent of the law enforcement community. Police often choose alcohol as their drug of choice due to its legality. Lots of temptations comes in many forms and it confronts officers daily. Society says sex, alcohol, and money are the greatest temptations. Today's law enforcement officer however must make the right choice with issues of over excessive force discretionary non enforcement of laws, gifts and graft, lying, covering up for fellow officers, and shady undercover practices. Cases are frequently caused by problems such as a lack of strong physical evidence and the code of silence adopted by some officers who refuse to testify against others in their…show more content…
There exists a growing worry in many communities about the morals of all cops. During the last decade a number of high profile cases have emerged involving police brutality and corruption. Police officers no longer receive automatic respect and admiration that they should receive in many levels of society. Increasing disrespect, suspicion, and the challenge of authority. Even the FBI has been rumored to increased public scrutiny and criticism resulting from mass media cases. Stereotypes of cops both positive and negative have been around for as long as there have been police officers. Why is it though that stereotypes in cops are so large? It's because even today it's not uncommon to see several police cars parked in front of the local doughnut shop. The truth behind the that is it has nothing to do with doughnuts. Its all about the coffee the only place available to get coffee or to take a break at 3:00 AM was the doughnut shop because that's the only place that was open 24 hours a day. The doughnut shops quickly became the place officers would group together because there was no where else for them to
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