Forensic Odontology Research Paper

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Forensic Science is used today in court and the scientist must be very precise and detailed on their findings. Forensic odontologists work in the field of forensic science and their job is to work in crime scenes to determine the person of murder or the murderer. Forensic odontologists are typically called in to: identify human remains that cannot be identified using face recognition, fingerprints or other means, identify bodies in mass fatalities, such as plane crashes and natural disasters and determine the source of bite mark injuries, in cases of assault or suspected abuse. The scientist deal with crimes and look at the DNA, bite marks, jaw structures, and most importantly, the dental records. Forensic science has been traced back to…show more content…
They are able to do this by looking at the position of their jaw structure and their teeth. “Forensic odontology is the application of dental science to legal investigations, primarily involving the identification of the offender by comparing dental records to a bite mark left on the victim or at the scene. Dental records may also be used in the identification of human remains” (Rankin). Without forensic odontology criminals would continue to do crimes unless there was an eyewitness present at the crime. Criminals leave behind clues that can be traced back to them using scientific evidence. Criminals will leave clues such as fingerprints, bite marks, gum, or DNA from the bite mark. If the bite mark is not clear then they could use any DNA that came from the bite or gum. “Forensic odontologists are dentists who go through rigorous training after dental school to match bite marks to specific people” (Stroud). That statement from Stroud shows how important forensic odontology is. It determines who killed or identifies the person. During crime scene where you cannot identify the body at all, detectives and officers look towards the forensic odontologists to use the dental records to identify them. But, does the odontologist actually have the right method to determining the…show more content…
“Critics make two main claims against forensic odontology. First, there’s no scientific proof that a bite mark can be matched to any particular set of teeth. There is no data, no experimental evidence – nothing – on which to base the idea that forensic odontology can make reliable identifications. Second, human skin – almost always the site of the bite mark in question – does not reliably “record” bite marks, since the skin itself changes over time, even after death. Because the skin changes shape, consistency, color, and even size after the mark is made, this makes bite marks, and the method itself, inherently unstable” (Bite). The method used is not reliable because they do not have as much proof as they should. When a fingerprint is found, but not very clear or even half of a print, they take a guess to who it could be. Once they find who it might be they arrest that person immediately without questioning. After a few months the scientists figure out that the person they accused is not the suspect at all. If this happens then they can be sewed for not finding the correct person and the correct evidence. This is the same for bite marks. There is no same bite to a bite mark even from the same person. Depending on the fight with the murderer, the bite mark could not be clear. It could be hard to find who actually did the mark but the scientist still accuse and make a guess to whom it could be. As the suspect, it is hard to

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