Football Cause Life Time Effects

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Football Have you ever wondered why so many football players have died young? Most of football players suffer from a brain disease which come from concussion caused from high impacts while playing. Football is one of US favorite sports, but it does lead to brain damage, so I believe football should have more rules so less people get hurt. Football is an amazing sport, but can cause a lot of damage to people. There are many reasons people should not play football,but one reason is that it can cause life time effects. For example,“medical researchers at Boston University recently confirmed that 88 out of 92 former NFL players who donate their brains for research suffered from chronic traumatic encephalopathy,”(page 1 paragraph 9).This shows that football is a dangerous sport to play it can give you a brain disease. Another reason is,“Several former players- all found to have committed suicide, and hundreds more continue to suffer from irreversible brain damage,”(page1 paragraph 9). This is significant because it’s shows you that the hard impact hits can affect you later on life after you are done playing football. Football can lead to death at a young age. An example of this is,“at least eight high school football players have died so far this year, according…show more content…
For example,“medical researchers at Boston University recently confirmed that 88 out of 92 former NFL players who donate their brains for research suffered from chronic traumatic encephalopathy,”(page 1 paragraph 9).This shows that football is a dangerous sport to play it can give you a brain disease. Another reason is,“Several former players- all found to have committed suicide, and hundreds more continue to suffer from irreversible brain damage,”(page1 paragraph 9). This is significant because it’s shows you that the hard impact hits can affect you later on life after you are done playing

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