Cranberry Morphology

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Morphology of the stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds Vaccinium Macrocarpon or large cranberry or also known as American cranberry which are native to northern North America across Canada and eastern United States and at higher altitude in North Carolina. It only grows in open, sunny, wet areas in the colder regions of the Northern Hemisphere [1] Figure 1: Large cranbery (Vaccinium macrocarpon) [4] Cranberry are a group of evergreen, creeping , mat-forming plant with slender, intricately forking woody horizontal stems 30-150 cm long and up-right flowering stems arising from the leaf axils. It often referred as a vine but it is more a trailing shrub rather than a true vine. In Shaheen…show more content…
It is adapted highly acidic soils at pH 3.2-4.5 [2]. They can grow and survive only when this condition are met under a special combination of factors. They require acid peat soil, adequate fresh water supply, sand and a growing season between Aprils to November. Different from the popular belief, the cranberries cannot grow in water. Instead, they grow on vines that are made up of layer of sand, peat, gravel and clay. These beds commonly known as ‘bogs’ [7]. The large cranberry is native to central and eastern Canada and the northeastern and north-central United States. It also naturalized in parts of Europe and in scattered locations among the Pacific Coast of North America. Its native range extends in temperate climate zones from the East Coast to the central United States and Canada and from Southern Canada in the north to the Appalachians in the south [5]. The United States (US) together with Canada account for more than 90% of the world’s production.…show more content…
Another reported case in a journal, a 70s man who had no appetite except for cranberry juices are in his regular drugs (digoxin, phenytoin and warfarin). Six weeks after start consuming the cranberry juice he had been admitted to the hospital with an increase of INR >50. Before this, his INR has been stable. Unfortunately, he died of gastrointestinal and pericardial haemorrhage [11]. There were some opinion saying that maybe other complications might

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