Charles Pfizer Case Study

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Q1. The history, development, and growth of the company over time. Analyse the company’s accounting measures of competitive advantage. In 1849, Charles Pfizer borrowed $2,500 from his father. He and his cousin Charles Erhart then set up the pharmaceutical company named Charles Pfizer and Company. The young entrepreneurs from Germany were set up in a red brick building and produced fine chemicals. The building was based in Brooklyn, New York and was used as an office, laboratory and warehouse. Pfizer has a capital of $2 million divided into 20,000 shares that are bought at $100 each. Pfizer remained a privately held company until June 22, 1942, when 240,000 shares of new common stock were offered to the public for them to purchase. In 1906 the company sales go…show more content…
SWOT analysis is a technique which is used in most firms throughout the world whereby managers create a quick overview of a company’s strategic situation in which they are in. The SWOT technique is based on the assumption that an effective strategy drives from a sound fit between such a firm’s internal resources which are the firms strengths and weaknesses and its so called external situation which are opportunities and threats. A balanced SWOT maximises the firm’s strengths and opportunities and minimises their weaknesses and threats. Pfizer as you know is one of the largest global pharmaceutical companies in the world. Pfizer’s product strategic has made the company strengthen areas such as their sales and marketing capabilities. Commercial infrastructure for example has helped the company to maintain the status of marketing partner in the United States. Also Pfizer sees a lot of strengths they do face internal weaknesses. The company had a generic attack on Lipitor, one of their blockbuster drugs; this in the long run is going to affect the company’s sales growth in the

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