Childhood Obesity Campaign Analysis

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In 2012, the state of Georgia started a campaign called Strong for Life and their goal was to educate their populace about the prevalence and dangers of childhood obesity. In this particular ad, the state of Georgia decided it was time to stop sugarcoating the epidemic and to start getting their message through by using derogative quotes and slogans. “We felt like we needed a very arresting, abrupt campaign that said, ‘Hey, Georgia! Wake up. This is a problem,'” said Linda Matzigkeit, a senior vice president at Children’s Healthcare.(“Female Body Image and the Mass Media: Perspectives on How Women Internalize the Ideal Beauty Standard” 1) Although, some people argue that the ad could lead to childhood depression and that kids will engage in physical activity less often because they feel like they're going to be self-conscious about their weight. Which could lead to disastrous effects to the child and their health. As stated in a Reading Popular Culture essay “Advertisers like to tell parents that they can also turn off the TV to protect their kids from any negative impact of advertising” (Kilbourne 89). Ads like this portray that a substantial body image is not acceptable in today’s society which makes viewers feel unsure about the way their body is perceived.…show more content…
But, as research is becoming increasingly clear, it shows that media and advertisements are the defiant causes and that the more media and advertisements displayed in the public increases body dissatisfaction and disordered eating. As mention before, this ad raises concerns on what effects it may have on the children and their parents. The effect of media on women’s body dissatisfaction, and disordered eating appears to be stronger among young adults than children and adolescents. This specific ad was geared towards the children and their parents which increases fears about more ads like this being produced body shaming

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