Environmental Problems In Thailand

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Now Aday in Thailand have many environment problems such as water pollution , air pollution And many other problems. Thailand is a tropical countries which is quite popular. So, many tourist like to visit our country. Especially at south of Thailand like Pattaya, Krabi and the other famous Island. This Report was aim to show the problems of KohLan. And how could we mangethem.And why does we need to do garbage disposing. As you know KohLan is one of highlighted tourist attraction of Thailand. And now a day KohLan got more pollution because, there’s to much tourist that visited Koh Lan. But some of the tourist don’t have subconscious mind to keep the area clean, by throwing the garbage on the beach and into the water. This problems effected…show more content…
The small island receives around 1.8 million visitors a year and it can’t cope with the rubbish they are leaving behind. More rubbish is being accumulated than is being taken back to the mainland for proper disposal. Around 20-30 tons of garbage is left on KohLarn each day with only 20 tons being transported back to Pattaya for treatment. The overflow is dumped at a holding site which is located just a few hundred metres from the main Beach. The Locals are petitioning Pattaya City to organise a solution before the amount of garbage starts effecting visitor numbers to this idilic island. So sad KohLarn is a great beautiful place for relaxing but, it facing this garbage disposing problems. There’s is a way to manage the problems by being a volunteer helping collecting garbage on the beach. Do the water treatment and control the area to dump waste. Prevent waste production from restaurant or shop around the beach area because, some restaurant remaining food or waste. And sometimes they dump it into the sea so, we need to control them from doing this. By, making the dumping area for garbage. We also need to control the amount of visitors too. Also think of living creatures in the sea do not try to harm them by destroying the nature by making

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