Grab Case Study

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Grab is one of Southeast Asia’s leading third party taxi mobile app that was founded by Anthony Tan and Tan Hooi Ling in 2011. They envision to “Drive Southeast Asia Forward” ("About - Grab Singapore", n.d.) by solving real-world transportation challenges and provide immense convenience to its users. They offer a variety of services such as GrabTaxi, GrabCar and GrabHitch over six countries in Southeast Asia. Grab offers a holistic range of practical benefits that caters to the needs of its users. For instance, users of GrabTaxi would appreciate if they could instantaneously access a cab. GrabTaxi offers this in addition to having “flexible payment options” ("GrabTaxi - Grab Singapore", n.d.) and allowing users to select the type of cab. Users…show more content…
GrabHitch offers this in addition to “expanding the user’s social network” ("GrabHitch - Grab Singapore", n.d.) and helping to reduce carbon footprint. Other benefits provided by Grab include its user-friendly mobile app, ease-of-access to its services and its ability to locate Grab drivers effortlessly to transport passengers safely to their destination. A fare estimate will be made known to the…show more content…
For instance, through word of mouth, people would know about the excellent service provided by Grab and in turn try them out. Grab also collaborates with major firms such as Singtel to promote their app. Lastly, Grab harnesses on the power of social media to advertise their services and promotions through promotional codes, aimed at raising awareness about its presence in Southeast Asia. There are various ways that Grab can improve on its mobile app and services. For instance, as Singaporeans value efficiency, Grab can collaborate with major supermarket and chains to deliver household essentials and food items to people. This would enable users to fulfil their needs right at their doorstep. Also, with the latest release of Grab app 4.3.0, it takes a longer time for cab bookings to be processed. Grab should consider reducing the time taken in assigning a driver during this process. The success of Grab can be attributed to various factors. The founders were aware of the taxi situation in Malaysia and were really passionate in doing something about it. Nobody believed that their idea of a taxi app would mature and this spurred them to prove others wrong. They were resilient in their undertakings, had a dynamic team to grow with and constantly seek feedback to improve. Lastly, their internal desire to succeed and make a difference in society through entrepreneurial action led to their success.

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