Food Deserts In America

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Introduction The United States of America is one of the richest countries in the world. Other countries view America as paradise on earth because most people believe that everyone in America is rich and has all their needs taken care of. Sadly, this is not the case. There are populations in the United States living in locations considered food deserts. ‘Desert’ is used to describe an environment lacking in basic aspects (Baines 1974). Food deserts present a significant but silent problem in the US. The greater US population is largely unaware of food deserts and the problems they create. Food deserts only affect people who live in low socioeconomic areas where access to good- quality food is limited or the food is expensive and unaffordable.…show more content…
In rural areas, this can stretch as far as 10 miles. Both inner city people and rural area folks have lower income and might not have vehicular access to full service stores. Food deserts were born. Epidemiologic Assessment The agent in this situation is obesity and food consumption. The food that people eat in food deserts are not fresh and can cause medical problems associated with obesity. To maintain a healthy weight, one needs to eat fruits and vegetable on a regular and limit the consumption of sugar, processed, salty, and fattening foods. The environment is the food deserts itself and its lack of resources. The host, are humans. We are susceptible to changes in weight and health due to food consumption. Food deserts are areas in which do not allow for fresh foods. This could be because of physical location or the wealth of the general population. People that live in food deserts are usually struggling financially (Ashman 1993). More than 23 million people in America live in food deserts (USDA, 2014). This issue is not something to be ignored. Food deserts affect populations unequally and continue to create disparities in the overall health of…show more content…
The majority of people who live in food deserts have low social locations. They are typically ranked lower in the social systems of race and class. Angela Hilmers, in collaboration with others, found food disparities in low-income neighborhoods via meta-analysis: “Neighborhoods where economically disadvantaged and minority populations reside were more likely to have abundant sources of foods that promote unhealthy eating” (Hilmers, 2012, p. 1651). Food deserts can be found in places where many people rely on the government to meet their daily needs, yet still struggle to access healthy food. The only affordable food in these areas is poor quality and heavily processed, and available at convenient stores, gas stations, and fast food joints. Residents of these neighborhoods are usually non-white. Hilmers’ meta-analysis (2012) also found a major disparity in urban areas among one race, “Studies in Los Angeles, New York City and New Orleans, Louisiana, found that unhealthy foods were more heavily promoted in African American

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