The Palm Nut Vulture

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The palm-nut vulture's scientific name is Gypohierax angolensis. You will find them living in parts of Africa. They like to live in forest edges along rivers, lakes and coasts where old palms are growing. They eat fruit, grain fish, carrion and crabs. Their favorite food is the fleshy part of palm fruit. They are the smallest old world vulture. The palm-nut vulture is 2 feet long with a 5 foot wingspan. They weigh 3 to 3.5 pounds. They are predominantly white and their back, tips of their wings and base of their tail are black. The bare skin on their face is red. The female will lay her eggs, and they will hatch in 44 days and the babies will fledged in 90 days. They are not considered threatened. The white-headed vulture's…show more content…
They will bathe as often as they can. They are usually very quiet. They will mainly eat carrion but are known to catch live prey. Jackals will steal their food. Their young are preyed on by meat eating animals. They like to move around during the day. The Ruppell's vulture's scientific name is Gypa rueppellii. They are found in Central Africa, Serengeti plains, Tanzania and Kenya. They like to make their home in open savannas and semi-desert areas. They will nest in cliffs. The Ruppell's vulture will weigh 15 to 18 pounds and their wingspan is 26 inches. The Ruppell's vulture has fabulous eyesight that they use to find food. Their talons are weak and their beak is strong and sharp. They use their large wings for gliding. They eat carcasses of animals that are dead. They do not eat live prey. They are losing part of their habitat but they are still very common. They are extremely social and will live in groups that will often have over a hundred birds in them. The Ruppell's vulture will go very long distances in search of food. When they find an animal carcass they will circle to let their friends know food has been found. Storks and shore birds will prey on their…show more content…
They are found in areas in North America especially the deserts of Southwestern United States. They like dry open country and ranch lands. They also hang out along where they can find road kill. The turkey vulture is 32 inches long and has a 6 foot wingspan. They will weigh 3 pounds. Their body is brown/black in color. Their head is bare and red and their beak is white. They have feet that are yellow. Their flight feathers are silver/gray. They have a great sense of smell. The turkey vulture is extremely family oriented. When several turkey vultures form a group it is known as a roost. There are turkey vulture roosts that have been together for over a hundred years living in the same place. They will separate and hunt for food alone. The turkey vulture does not build a nest but instead lay their eggs in a cliff hollow, logs or on rocks that are on the ground. The male and the female will incubate the eggs and care for the babies. The turkey vulture is basically a quiet bird. The turkey vulture does not require much water as they will get most of what they need from their food. They have a great immune system that protects them. The turkey vulture is very common and not

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