Film Analysis: Get Out

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A victim is someone who feels ostracized by an oppressor or multiple oppressors. A victim is someone who feels uncomfortable in a setting, feeling unwelcomed, and feeling targeted. Get Out shows the story of Chris as he meets his white girlfriend’s parents for the first time, and in meeting them he becomes a victim to her family’s wickedness. Get Out is a film that provides insight to the views of African-Americans in society and how they feel as the victim in more ways than the White-Americans because they are expected to behave in ways that are not true to their character, beast like, and subordinate. The idea that African Americans are the victim rather than the oppressor is a new take on a drawn-out tale. Through the use of non-diegetic music,…show more content…
During the opening scene when the film is introducing Chris, the camera starts off showing the photographs in Chris’ apartment. The black and white photographs are portraying various things; a pregnant lady on the streets of New York, a man restraining a large dog on a leash, and even a child wearing a home-made mask. The photographs that Chris has hanging in his apartment work with the mise-en-scene to gain perspective on who Chris is as a person. From these black and white photographs, the audience is able to identify Chris as an impartial individual who has a good eye for seeing the things most people don’t see. It is something extraordinary and seeing as he captures pictures like those shown, the audience can infer that he is very attentive to all the details in context of the many experiences. Mise-en-scene builds a foundation for how Chris is viewed as character, and it sets the audiences’ expectation on what they expect from him throughout the film, being someone who will be careful and

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