Fast Casual Analysis

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The Advertisement Campaign Jerry’s Subs and Pizza is a restaurant chain, offering sandwiches and pizza to customers since the first store opened in 1954, outside of Washington D.C, with over 140 locations nationally. The restaurant chain has used sex and sexual appeals to market its products through multiple advertisement campaigns. “Philly Double Trouble” appeals to adult customers, the company’s main targeted consumer segment. Although the commercial is for marketing Jerry’s sub sandwich, the advertising campaign is offering more than just a product, it is selling a sexual fantasy to the viewers. According to the restaurant chain’s website, their main target segments are adult customers. Noted on their website, “Fast Casual” is the new…show more content…
271). According to Kilbourne (1999), these imageries are often taken from pornography, which seeks to exploit. She believes that the use of sex in advertising is to portray power and exploit women’s beauty and sexuality). Women, both young and old, are often targets of sexual advertising. Blair stated, “Sex is a powerful and easy method of getting male attention and making product desirable. In advertising, it is easy to get a man’s attention by using women’s bodies and associating getting the women if he buys the product” (as cited in Taflinger, 1996, p.8). Objectifying women causes them to become a product for consumption and ultimately discarded to become another product fragment added to society’s consumer landfill. Through the deontological lens of ethics, sexual imagery degrades and minimizes women as reflected in pornographic media, is immoral and…show more content…
Kilbourne offers the following predicament, “when food is sex, eating becomes a moral issue-and thinness becomes the equivalent of virginity” (Kilbourne, 1999, p. 115). The display of sexuality in the commercial not only focuses only on the young woman’s beauty and sexuality, but displayed a harmful environment depicting unrealistic connections for relationship and to our society’s culture of

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