Summary Of 1960s Armstrong Floor's Advertisement

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Strong, Independent, Empowering, these are all different adjectives to describe the women of the 1960s. The sixties were a time of change. The second wave of feminism was rolling through and there was nothing that could stop it. The 1960s Armstrong Floor ad was a testament to this change in women. This ad features a woman with short blonde hair wearing a modest white sweater and green skirt, standing in her kitchen, holding a bow and arrows. At the top of the page written in a bold font are the words: “For Women With Better Things To Do Than Scrub Floors…”. This advertisement represents change in the women of the sixties, they no longer accepted staying home all day and taking care of the house, they demanded equal rights in the work place and in the family. The feminist movement was recruiting women everywhere to join the cause and change their quality of life. The 1960s was a decade of female empowerment with the introduction of the contraceptive pill, equal pay in the workplace, and changes in women’s basic rights. The advertisement shows a young woman. The young woman probably doesn’t have any children yet. Without children she would have more time to do other things then…show more content…
The ability to enter the workplace was an exciting new avenue for women, the ad when it states “For women with better things to do than scrub floors…” eludes to an independence that would include finding a job. The types of jobs women initially found available to them were limited to entry level jobs primarily in clerical and service industries. “President John F. Kennedy ordered a Presidential Commission on the Status of Women in 1961. The commission found that American women faced widespread inequalities, including fewer opportunities for education, unequal pay, and lack of affordable child care” (Anderson, 2013) This is an inequality in which women of the 1960s fought to

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