Examples Of How Fair Is Fair In Macbeth

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Fair is foul, and foul is fair (1,1,12) is a quote by the great play write William Shakespeare in his play Macbeth. Where a war hero is driven by ambition and his wife to commit the crime of killing his cousin the king of Scotland Duncan in order to become king of Scotland. According to a Prophecy told to Macbeth and his friend Banquo, All hail, Macbeth! that shalt be king here after. (1,3,50)by a group of witches who promise Macbeth he will be king of Scotland and thane of Cawdor and told Banquo ''Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none(1,3,67) which means that he wont be king, but his sons will. After the first part of the Prophecy comes true and Macbeth becomes thane of Cawdor, he wonders if the rest of the prophecy will come true, after telling his wife about it she convinced Macbeth to not just wait for it to come true by killing the king, at the beginning Macbeth is hesitant of doing it but his wife Attacks his manhood and he decides to go threw with it and kills the king and he becomes king. but his ambition gets in his way and he…show more content…
He did not have to worry about food or money and could live comfortably for the rest of his life. When Macbeth heard the Prophecy told to him by the witches All hail Macbeth! hail to thee, thane of Cawdor, All hail, Macbeth! that shalt be king hereafter. he did not believe it. But when part of the prophecy came true and he became thane of Cawdor he wonder if the rest of the prophecy would come true. He wrote a letter to his wife, telling her about the prophecy. She immediately came up with the idea to kill Duncan! Macbeth did not like the idea of killing his cousin, he thought that if the first prophecy came true by itself then the second part would also come true without having to kill the king, but lady Macbeth attacks his manhood in act one scene seven line thirty one lady Macbeth tells Macbeth ''Art thou afeard
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