Pros And Cons Of Burnout

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Feelings of health professionals experienced syndrome of burnout Severinsson (2003) and Ekstedt and Faberberg (2005, as cited in Misouridis, 2009) studied burnout, interviewing the same nurses who have experienced this problem. Nurses reported that they felt helpless to fulfill their moral obligations, exhausted, without energy and motivation, and loneliness. Problems appeared to be overwhelming. Expose themselves to suffering, being witnesses to moments where people suffer, initially an agonizing experience who made them to feel vulnerable and to experience guilt for their difficulty to provide help. Constantly they blame themselves for being not good nurses. There are limits to which extent indicates the beginning and ending liability…show more content…
A survey of 510 psychiatric employees in 28 different units (Holmqvist & Jeanneau, 2006) reveal that high levels of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization were correlated with negative attitudes (e.g., rejecting, distant) concerning users on their zone. Negative workforce attitudes, in turn, have been related to inferior outcomes among users with severe mental illness (Gowdy, Carlson, & Rapp, 2003). In a survey empirically associating burnout to poor user satisfaction, Garman and colleagues (2002) studied 333 mental health workforce on 31 altered teams serving individuals with severe mental illness. Group level emotional exhaustion, but not depersonalization, was significantly correlated to average consumer satisfaction scores for those…show more content…
The infinite majority of these surveys, still, have been cross-sectional and correlational. Thus, the idea of “burnout consequences” might not precisely seizure the course of relationships. For instance, workforce who are even now facing high levels of physical health problems might feel additional labor stress and report high levels of emotional exhaustion as a cause of their pre-existing health problem. In opposition, a third variable, for instance, essential depression or anxiety, may possibly manifest in both high levels of burnout and larger preoccupation with physical health worries. Burnout, Emotional Intelligence and Emotions in drug treatment Although the syndrome burnout can occur at all stressful occupations, but is more linked to the areas concerned by the provision of services to other people, such as doctors, teachers, social workers (Kant, 1995). As Duke poses (2003), workers in these areas are particularly prone to this syndrome, because the object of their work has as main feature the personal and psychological involvement in solving

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