Advantages And Disadvantages Of Facebook

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Facebook is one of the most common way of communication these days. Most of the students now is now using face book to make acces with their friends and family. Most of the reason why they use facebook as an alternative solution for communication is they can communicate with cheaper charge. This site offers opportunities to the students to express their feelings share their personal life to their friends and family. It also offers opportunities to the students to socialize with other people even though they are far with each other. Now, most of the teachers are using facebook for educational purpose. They post in this site to send notes, schedules and assignments for their students. It is also useful in terms of giving announcements for the ones who…show more content…
According to Hines (2011) Facebook can help students learn better and help each other by doing collaborative studies through group chats and messaging. In this way, students would easily learn the subjects in school. This widens their knowledge and become multi-dimensional. Based on the study by Prof. Reynol Junco that the more time a student spent on Facebook the more likely the student will engage in extra-curricular activities” (as cited in Ruiz, 2011). Facebook addiction means spending an excessive amount of time on Facebook. Typically, it involves a person's Facebook use interfering with important activities in life, such as work, school, or maintaining relationships with family and "real" friends (walker, 2016). In fact, facebook is a place of socialization where we can connect our families, friends and other loved ones, especially if we are far away from them. Facebook is not a problem, but the problem here is that we consume a lot of time because we are being obsessed of the newcontents we see every minutes posted with our friends-the new pictures, videos, status updates, games , and the likes, shares and comments
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