Explain Why Is It So Important To Promote Language Development In The Classroom

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1) Why is it so important to organize a classroom to represent a language rich environment and to promote language learning? To promote a language rich environment and to effectively promote language learning within a classroom I believe in making language a crucial part of every classroom activity. Making print available to children, visually, and physically is an important part of language acquisition. The classroom needs to represent, and support language exposure in all its forms. It’s important to remember that the classroom “should be organized to emphasize open space” (Justice, 2004). This open space can be organized into several different area’s that promote language learning, and language rich areas. The open space gives children the ability to see all the language learning that is going on around them, and how they can work together to enhance their language skills. Making each area rich different resources gives children the ability to be exposed to various types of language learning. 2) When it comes to teaching, what sort of “tricks” have you found effective in promoting language development in your classroom or your personal experience?…show more content…
This gives children the chance actively use what they have learned in the classroom. This can be done with story-telling, rhymes, putting words to actions, or even playing with their peers in structured rule-based play, and various other methods. The role of a teacher is to engage the children so that they can ask questions for further enhancement using the skills they acquired within the classroom; “by preparing an interactional context that enables such interrogations to arise” (Reyes-Torres, Soler-Pardo, & Villacanas-de-Castro, 2014, Part

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