Essay On Learning Environment

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Changing environment and adapting to wider responsibility is one of the challenges faced by university students. The adjustment expands from communicating with new peers and colleague up to academic and time management. The university environment calls for adjustments to the students in all aspects. For the students who are actively involved in extra-curricular activities in their high school years will have to do extra-time management so that they can still enjoy activities without putting their academic performance at a critical state. As a students enrolled in the College of Education, I have made several remarkable observations on the behavior of students. One of this is the fact that many of the students enrolled in this college is also children of teachers. When asked why they pursue teaching they reasoned that they feel obliged to continue the line of teachers in their family. This group of students pursued education either as their personal choice or parents’ choice. According to Fuligni, 2001, as cited by King and…show more content…
Some of the problems that I heard in the use of this Online Learning Environment is its inaccessibility sometimes leading student’s failure to attend timed-online quizzes and activities. Another concern that I heard is that students who don’t have an internet access finds this online learning challenging. This challenges is explicitly stated in the study conducted by Kiran Srivastava[4] entitled, “Role of flipped classroom in education”. According to her, one of the challenges in flipped classroom is the inconsistency in bridging digital divide. She argued that flipped classroom lack strong provision in cases where the learners don’t have a home technology access. Well, for university students like us, we need to liberate ourselves in finding ways such as going to internet cafes when home internet is not
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