Essay On Democracy And Human Rights

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Democracy and human rights are often interpreted as concepts which encompass the other. Human rights, according to the Oxford Concise Dictionary of Politics, “are a special sort of inalienable moral entitlement” where they “attach to all persons equally, by virtue of their humanity” (McLean and McMillan 2009, 250). A society which is perceived as democratic is a society which broadly exercises “rule by the people” as theory suggests (McLean and McMillan 2009, 139). However, the dictionary does emphasize that the nature of one democratic state is not equivalent in norms and practices to that of another. McLean and McMillan emphasize this by stating that it is better to “restrict ‘democracy’ narrowly to majority rule, and treat toleration, entrenchment of rights, and so as preconditions for democracy but not as constitutive of democracy itself” (McLean and McMillan 2009, 141). Hugo Chavez’s legacy was both celebrated and criticized. During Chavez’s term in government, Chavez was sought as both a socialist revolutionary praised and focused on the upliftment of the poor, as well as a tyrannical dictator who had “polarized his country, hollowed out its institutions, and damaged its middle…show more content…
Chavez made first mention of democracy in terms of the government electoral process. Chavez was then questioned about his actions towards those whom he imprisoned, on the grounds where he accounted them for exercising corruption, of which the example of the Defense Minister is suggested. Chavez displayed sensitivity and defensiveness towards criticism from countries and organizations which accuse him of human rights violations. Chavez’s response to these criticism is not a direct agreement or disagreement with these allegations, but rather a response which questioned the legitimacy of those who had made those claims
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