Explain How To Form Positive Attachment

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The key person approach Attachments An attachment is an emotional bond that young children form with their parents and the people that look after them. It is important for babies and young children to be shown love and affection and they usually are shown this most through their caregivers. When children form strong attachments with adults they seem to feel more confident within themselves and will begin to explore their environment more. Children will feel secure when they have an attachment with an adult they can trust, this will help children to try new things and become more independent. Forming strong attachments can also benefit children as they will begin to develop further attachments with other adults and form relationships in the future. If children do not make attachments when they are young they will find it difficult to be able to form them in…show more content…
Having a strong attachment means that children will feel more comfortable around their carers and will therefore find it easier to sleep and feed which will help them achieve more as they will feel more energetic to take part in activities. When children feel secure in their environment they will try new things which help develop their skills such as gross motor and fine motor skills. Cognitive: having positive attachments is important for children’s cognitive development as if a child is distressed or worried they will lack concentration. This means that children are not learning and developing as much as they should be due to them becoming easily distracted from activities. Similarly, children may miss out on learning if they do not feel confident enough to take part in tasks and try out new activities. Having a strong attachment with an adult in this situation would help increase a child’s self-esteem making them feel empowered which would motivate them to try new

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