1900's Prison System

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During the 1900s, when many of the prison gangs was on the rise the prison system of the United States was battling the unruly inmates not only in the facilities but also in the court rooms across America. Many inmates of the time was flooding the courts with lawsuits against the United States Prison System. The prison systems originally combat the rise of the gang activities and destruction with tougher policies for the inmates. This seem to be the ok because in the early years before the 1900s the Courts of the United States took a back sit, and had little to do with offender after their convictions. This left many inmates feeling like their Constitutional’s Rights that they did retain while being incarnated was being violated by the United…show more content…
The first one is that Pre-trail detainees, inmate that are houses in prison facilities have because they have not paid bail, have the right to be house in humane facilities, and cannot be treated as guilty inmates until they are found guilty in court. Many Prisons classify these inmates as safe keeper and house these inmate apart from regular inmate population. The next inmate right that was outline was that inmates have the right to be free from inhuman treatment from inmates and staff while they are incarnated per the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution of America, this protect inmates and all other people of the United States against Cruel and Unusual punishment. During the 1900s not only did the inmates had to protect themselves from prison gangs but also from staff member use of Excessive force. In Supreme Court Case of Hudson v. McMillian, The Supreme Court of the United States define excessive force as any physical contact by a Criminal Justice Professional that is meant to cause harm, rather than keep order in correctional faculties or…show more content…
The next inmate right that was outline was inmate right to be free from sexual crimes. As stated in the previously in this paper, many prison gangs were committing sexual crimes against inmates in the prison system. However, the courts held the Criminal Justice Professional responsible, because it was happing so frequently, the court felt that the Criminal Justice Professional where just turning their head and not responding to the situational. The next inmate right that was outline was the right of the disable prisoners. The courts stated that disable prisoners are entitled to have access to prison programs that they are eligible for according the American Disabilities Act. The next inmate right that was outline was the inmate right that inmate are entitled to medical care and attention as needed, whether it is long term or short term. This forces many Criminal Justice Prisons to provide inmates with adequate care not just the minimum care per an inmate injury. The next inmate right outline is inmate right to freedom of the
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