Examples Of Psychoanalytic Criticism

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A story is something that has some certain conflict and dramatic tensions. This conflict may appear in inner conflict or conflict with society. Then it can be represented in story. So, Ayaşlı ile Kiracıları appropriate to “ Psychoanalytic Criticism” theory. Characters are important rather than plot structure. For this reason, we should focus on conflicts of characters rather than the story. Psychoanalytic criticism deal with mental states of characters. As a modern persona, he or she under pressure of society. In society, there are certain manners, some moral values and codes of conduct. Society and language control people. Every character can be analyzed according to his or her reactions, responses to pressure of society and how is she or he under the influence of his/her subconscious realm that we call motives and drives. So every individual character needs to assert himself or herself as he is as she is. Because everyone has own personality, own self as a individual.…show more content…
Nine rooms in the apartment not only tells people from different classes but also describes the social change in the society. In novel, there are shadows of different classes of people, crooked relationships, prolonged cases, court papers, gambling tables. Ankara has become the first place for anyone who is stuck. The motifs are described in the book, such as the changes in clothing and behavior in women and men, banquets given by business people in the hotels, the drug trade gradually getting involved in high-ranking people, and the indisputable power of

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