John Lee Hancocks film “The Blind Side,” filmed in 2009 tells a story of a black man in the 1980’s time period who struggles to become apart of the white society. The main character in the film, Michael Oher , demonstrates to the audience how an African American man deals with discrimination, and is mistreated by the white community in which he lives in. Thus being a common trend for white communities of the time period. However, the film wants to dissipate the traditional views toward white Americans
inspiration plays a big role in taking action and moving forward, inspiration gives you the courage and motivation to keep on going. 3 pieces of work will be analysed and contrasted from 2 different authors or directors, these include The Blind Side a film produced by John Lee Hancock; as well as poems Mother to son and Ballad of Roosevelt both in which were written by Langston Hughes. Langston Hughes was an American poet, social activist, novelist, playwright, and columnist. Born on February 1, 1902 and