Theories Of Consumer Behaviour

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COSUMER BEHAVIOUR – “this can be defined as the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, use and dispose of products and services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy their needs and wants” according to Wikipedia. Consumer behaviour is a part of human behaviour that describes the actions of a consumer or a customer to the goods and services produced by the marketing organization, it shows how they react to the goods regarding their personality and many other factors. Consumer behaviour is a subject of human behaviour which deals with human actions that have direct bearing on the purchase and use of goods and service from marketing organizations (MKT322 2017). SIGMUND FREUD – author of the…show more content…
Freud’s theory of personality places a huge importance on the effect conflicts have on among the mind and how they shape behaviour and personality which are mostly unconscious. Sigmund Freud says that personality develops during a human being’s childhood stage and is critically formed through a series of five psychosexual stages which he termed “Psychosexual Theory of Development”. Freud’s theory has been greatly criticized because of the theory’s focus on sexuality as the main motivator of the development human personality. FREUD’S STRUCTURE OF THE HUMAN MIND Freud said that human personality has the capacity to develop from the interactions among the three fundamental structures of the human mind which are: the id, ego, and superego. He said, “How we behave and approach the world is determined by how we find balance among the desires of each of them in the conflict that exists between…show more content…
For instance, a Freudian-trained psychotherapist might make use of a Rorschach test-the so-called inkblot test. Marketing researchers have adapted this technique and are quite interested in studying consumers' reaction to visual images, again as an alternative to gathering information in a strictly verbal fashion. These are the four marketing programmes which are: product, price, place and promotion. PRODUCT – with or as a result of this model the marketing organization would produce a product that would mainly stimulate the consumer’s sexual desires in the aspect of the psychosexual aspect of the theory and they would produce products that would satisfy their immediate desires or needs like sex, food, shelter, clothing etc. PRICE – this model affects price in that in order for the consumer to satisfy their immediate innate desires they would pay almost anything for it. Therefore the marketing organization can decide to set a ridiculously high price that could lead to high profit but reducing the consumer’s capacity for repeat purchase or the organization can set a low and affordable price that consumers can easily

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