Essay On Vehicle Tracking System

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I. INTRODUCTION Vehicle tracking system main aim is to give Security to all vehicles. Accident alert system main aim is to rescuing people in accidents. This is improved security systems for vehicles. The latest like GPS are highly useful now days, this system enables the owner to observe and track his vehicle and find out vehicle movement and its past activities of vehicle. This new technology, popularly called vehicle Tracking Systems which created many wonders in the security of the vehicle. This hardware is fitted on to the vehicle in such a manner that it is not visible to anyone who is inside or outside of the vehicle. Thus it is used as a covert unit which continuously or by any interrupt to the system, sends the location data to the monitoring unit. When the vehicle is stolen, the location data from tracking system can be used to find the location and can be informed to police for further action. Some Vehicle tracking System can even detect unauthorized movements of the vehicle and then alert the owner. This…show more content…
Data in a vehicle tracking system is captured through a unit called automated vehicle unit. The automated vehicle unit uses the Global Positioning System (GPS) to determine the location of the vehicle. This unit is installed in the vehicle and contains interfaces to various data sources. This paper considers the location data capture along with data from various sensors like fuel, vehicle diagnostic sensors etc. ii) Data storage : Captured data is stored in the memory of the automated vehicle unit. iii) Data transfer : Stored data are transferred to the computer server using the mobile network or by connecting the vehicle mount unit to the computer. iv) Data analysis : Data analysis is done through software application. A GIS mapping component is also an integral part of the vehicle tracking system and it is used to display the correct location of the vehicle on the

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