Examples Of Project Implementation

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Project implementation: The project implementation is a step where all the planned activities are put into reality or action. All these activities are aligned with the schedule and budget. In this phase the vision and plans become reality. In this phase the project manager and project teams are involved to start the project in reality like construction project of pyramids of Egypt. Generally, implementation of project process includes arranging, operation, sustaining and use of final product of the project. Project teams and project managers are committed to monitoring and controlling the project implementation process. Project team helps the evaluation process of project which leads the project implementation process. Purpose of the project…show more content…
Literature review: The implementation of projects in sustainable sanitation and water management is complex. It requires the coordination of a wide range of activities, diverse institutional arrangements, and different time frames (DFID 1998). There is not one typical project in water and sanitation, as the actions may vary from the construction of a new infrastructure, to the introduction of new ways of working. It is important to take into account that independently of the nature of the project, implementation takes time, usually more than it is planned, and that many external constraints can appear, which should be considered when initiating the implementation step (i.e. seasonality in availability of community engagement/resources) (NETSSAF 2008). According to J. P. LEPRE, there are three processes involved in the actual construction of a pyramid: quarrying, manipulation, and sealing. The remainder of this text will focus on these three processes and how they were carried out. LEPRE has suggested in his writing that perhaps a sort of bridge was used to move the stones across the Nile. "Surely," he writes, "if the ancients were capable of building such enormous pyramids, they were capable of building at least one…show more content…
Non-technical and technical requirement are defined also the financial and scheduling for the project. Another basic requirement is the material, financial and human resources are available for implementing the project action plan (NETSSAF 2008). Field management staff must make time to establish an atmosphere in which they trust with partners during implementation so that concerns may be raised informally. Realistic long-term planning of finances is crucial to the implementation of an action plan (see also financing and sources of funding). (Adapted from PHILIP et al. 2008) A communication strategy can be used to raise awareness of the positive benefits for the community, as well as explaining that there are necessary trade-offs, such as the introduction of water pricing, which will not please everybody. This will help to further strengthen local ownership of the plan and encourage public participation in the implementation of projects. At the end of a planning and implementation cycle, a press release is useful to highlight successful stories and announce the publication of a final document such as a water report (see also media

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