Case Study: Enterprise Project Management

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1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Enterprise Project Management can be interpreted as meaning an approach which helps project managers in picking up and keeping up control over projects. EPM suggest to a comprehensive way to deal with the management of projects and assets in order to adjust the strategies, practices and assets with the objectives of an organization. An Enterprise Project Management, in spite of the Conventional project Management office, joins every one of the parts of a project and exhibits it on one stage which is generally web-based software. While the regular PMO's are perfect for smaller and larger projects, for example, those in oil and gas industry require a more broad stage. EPM is the stage that most real tasks utilize. Aside…show more content…
In organization without PMOs; IT divisions generally help in the organization and execution of EPM. Be that as it may, because of the presence of a PMO at NayaTel, EPM will be executed by the PMO. The foundation of PMO in Nayatel changed the customary condition of work for the entire association. Capacity building , coaching and training of staff began. Employees changed their ordinary methods for performing work; qualities like basic considering, relational correspondence, imagination, and adaptability began prospering among them. Nonetheless, there is as yet a room of change in this department that can additionally help the workers to play out their office obligations effortlessly and on time. This should be possible with the usage of Enterprise Project Management (EPM) in the Nayatel. As the world has now turned into a worldwide town with innovative and business advancements, it has turned out to be obligatory for the huge enterprise to change their workplaces to meet the global business benchmarks in order to extend their organizations. The main purpose of conveying EPM in Nayatel is to grasp a practical, simple to utilize way for the staff to design, initiate, execute and monitor their…show more content…
EPM will have the capacity to answer every one of the inquiries like what amount of spending plan is allotted for a project, what amount of spending plan ought to be allocated to different projects in light of their relative significance and profitability, what is the aggregate income being created by the organization and how might it be additionally expanded? Taking firm and right choices about the projects. Projects taken up by NAYATEL are essentially for the continuation of business and for development in its business. That is the reason, it become necessary to start just such projects that line up with these two goals of Nayatel. EPM can be a correct decision for taking such choices 3.5 COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT: Communications all across the organization can easily be managed with the help of EPM.Since, every one of the information will be gathered and effectively available, the between department communication can be upgraded. Lower level staff will effortlessly impart and counsel their managers. A cooperative and strong condition will be framed inside the organization. This powerful method for communication will improve project achievements/

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