E-Government Policy Case Study

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INTRODUCTION The main aim of this report is to describe what are the best practices in policy development and what are the problems they are trying to solve. Thus, the case study chosen is the E-Government initiatives / policy on Government Employee Management System (GEMS) and to be compared to EG-HRMIS Malaysia. According to BAG Network, GEMS is known as the Human Resource Management System (HRMS) Project before. It is an interactive, web-based Human Resource Management System lead by the Public Service Department of the Prime Minister's Office to manage HR functions and operations of the entire Brunei Civil Service effectively and efficiently. It is also aimed to investigate the employees level of awareness, acceptance and satisfaction…show more content…
In view of this, he suggested that a proper change management plan is pivotal towards the success of e-government projects taking into account the perception of all stakeholders affected by the change. “Government has no strategy how to handle changes brought on by technology, like changes in policy, culture, mindset, organizational structure and process; e.g. simple application of using email system failed as people still treated papers as the only official tool of communication as it has signature on it. “ (Janja Nograsek). This refers to Change Management. Change Management activities are very important as we need to educated and slowly ease people into a new initiative. Change management is considered the main player in every new initiatives. It is with their diligent and commitment that they can introduce any changes smoothly in order to meet…show more content…
Although the problems that had been explained above are mainly on a HR system, it is also quite similar to other E-Government projects. Government also needs to create a clear and realistic plan before implementation. After implementing the project, every users of all levels need to give full support in terms of usage and enforcement so that the system that is being implemented is worth the money spent. Also, it is very important to secure sufficient resources (finance and manpower) before embarking a project. Lastly, according to Janja Nograsek, Change Management is very important before and during the implementation of the system in terms of creating awareness and during the implementation of the system in terms of creating awareness and building an acceptance platform. Therefore, it is vital for the Government to consider the highlighted Critical Issues above as overcoming these factors can help identify the critical success factors in implementing e-government initiatives, HR or non-HR

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