Examples Of Polish Culture

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In the polish culture some examples of the seven characteristics are Work and reward, organized groups, body of knowledge, Values, Artforms, Norms customs mores, And Religion. In the Polish culture some examples of work and reward are harvesting, farming, printing, and coal mining . Harvesting is an example of work because they spend hours harvesting potatoes , and crops. Their reward was food. A farmer is an example of work and reward because they plant plants so their community can eat . Their reward is the ability to provide them or their family with food. Printing business is work because they get paid to print things when they can’t themselves. Their reward is money. Coal mining is an example of work because they spend long periods…show more content…
Church is an organized group because all the people were Catholic. Dance is an organized group because it is a group that either competes or performs. Their are many types of Polish dancing for example Krakowiak, Polonaise, Polski Taniec, and LudowyLludowy. Sports are a organized group because teamwork is required to make the group successful. Some of the popular sports in Poland are track and field, field hockey, swimming, volleyball, and their main sport soccer. In the Polish culture some examples of Body of Knowledge are, school, family, news, and libraries. School is an example of Body of Knowledge because in Poland the schools provide teachers to teach the students. Family is an example of Body of Knowledge because they teach you how to talk, and walk, and manners so you get a lot of knowledge from them. News is an example of Body of Knowledge because it is a way to broadcastbrodcast people with knowledge of what is going on. Libraries are an example of Body of Knowledge because they have information on almost everything you need and most are…show more content…
Dogs are an example of values because they are a common pet. Cats are an example of Values because they are also a common pet. Horse carriages are an example of values because it was good because it was a way to get around faster. Houses are an example of values because they are very important so you stay warm and have a place to sleep etc. In the Polish culture some examples of norms are dressing warm, family dinners, and home cooking. Dressing warm is a norm because the Poles do not even think about it; they do not want to freeze. Family dinners is a norm because it was what you were raised to do. Home cooking is a norm because there were not a lot of restaurants nearby. In the Polish culture some examples of customs are melting snow, shoes off at the front door, and grandparents raising kids. Melting snow is a custom because they would melt the snow to make a bath. Shoes off outdoor is a custom so you don’t bring dirt inside, and to keep it clean. Grandparents raising kids is an example of a customs because their help was needed because their parents were at

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