In the article Bilingual Lives, Bilingual Experience, Alice Wierzbicka is truthfully capturing the perks and flaws of the bilingual life, while also showing the inner struggle an individual goes through when using his choice of words, rather than simply sticking to the vocabulary differences. To lead a bilingual life, one must learn how to properly unite his feelings and chosen language, so it can create an accurate way of truly expressing himself or herself through their choice of words. In the
the color of Х is the same as the color of sky” (Wierzbicka 1992:358-359). Analyzing the studies by Kay, Mc Daniel et al., one might think that the essence of focal colors reflects certain psychological aspects and mechanisms of human perception. Other explanations connect focal colors with certain universal phenomena such as day and night (black and white), the sun (yellow), vegetation (green), the sky (blue), ground (brown), fire (red) (Wierzbicka