Bilingualism And Multilingualism

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Nowadays the theme of multilingualism is widely discussed because of the progresses that make its presence felt in various domains of cultural, social or scientifically(especially technological). People have started to travel a lot from a corner of the world to another, because they have the possibility of free movement , so they can interact with different nationalities only through a common language which is usually different from their language .Also they can establish relationships of all kinds such as friendship or kinship by marriage, so knowing more than one language is urgently needed. It is known that English language is in many times the code that makes possible the interactions between human beings , because of the fact that it…show more content…
She also considers that “ the set of concepts by means of which the speakers of any given language make sense of their own and other people’s feeling is specific to a particular language.”, and for better understanding it is necessary for you to turn to linguistic science where the problem of semantics is discussed. She emphasizes on the experience of a bilingual child who can be confused because the meanings of the words are not well-established . Also, she explains the difficulty of immigrants to adapt in a place that it is different from the birthplace and…show more content…
The smells and touch of the mother , the powerful affection and fear that small children experience can be associated with the language of the family.”(Susan Ervin-Tripp). I also consider that the language of childhood is more emotional because two languages could not have a direct translation of each other so the bilingual will use a paraphrase or simply add words that can convey a meaning with the risk that this can lead to misunderstandings or misinterpretations of words. Regarding to this , it is difficult for a bilingual person to try to find the best word in order to express an idea, and the following example which comes from Portuguese illustrates beter :"Não estou bonito, eu sou bonito." Literal translation: "I am not (apparently) handsome; I am (essentially) handsome.", Adding words: "I am not handsome today; I am always handsome." ,Paraphrase: "I don't look handsome; I am

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