Perfectionist Attachment Theory

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Introduction Research indicated that perfectionists have unreachable standards; they usually push themselves to reach unrealistic and unattainable goals and evaluate themselves in terms of productivity and success (Burns, 1980; Nugent, 2000; Pacht, 1984). Blatt(1995) claimed that the child can internalize parental attitudes such as neglect or rejection in time and these internalizations can represent self and others. Therefore, parental attitudes towards children, which are connected to attachment theory, might be a very important aspect in the development of perfectionist characteristics of the child. The basic principle of the theory is the first relationships with Family Preparing prototypes of social relationships in old age (Bartholomew,1990).…show more content…
Father is happy to have his own child. At birth, the baby is very weak and the deserted, he need care and support of parents and other people in his new environment to means that a connection must start between the child and the people around him, especially parents. Child hanging their parents for food, shelter, clothing, health care and other needs for normal growth and development. As the child grows, the bond between him and his parents stronger and vice versa, depending on the nature of the interaction / relationship between them. Parents consciously or unconsciously adopted the style (s) for breeding or raising the child. (Melgosa, 1997), include:- Authoritarian parenting where parents hard, demanding, not the authority to exercise power over the child, and penalties apply if the rules are not followed. They also did not respond to the needs of their children. Children by authoritarian parents are very fearful, suspicious, unfriendly, shy and insecure. They are very poor in decision-making, because they are always waiting for instructions from their parents before such action. At the authoritative parents, parents exercise authority over their children, but at the same time, they care about and respond to the needs of their children. They are warm and not over-demanding in terms of the rules. Authoritative parents produce children disciplined, obedient, respectful and friendly. They understand and enforce social rules leads to life, actions, and decisions based on their understanding of the rules, and they can ask questions and express their opinions on issues. In laissez-faire or permissive parents, parents bring little or no restrictions on their children. They set the rules of conduct and monitoring. Parents who successfully generate the bond between parents and children. Permissive parenting is known unruly children and tend all forms of

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