To Kill A Mockingbird Quote Analysis

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“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me” is one of biggest lies we are told, and that we tell. Yes, words are wind, but they are coherent thoughts that we express with wind and vibrations. In the historical fiction novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, there are examples of how words can make people question, doubt, or even just plain out hurt. To Kill a Mockingbird is a bildungsroman, about Scout Finch and her early years in the sleepy town of Maycomb, Alabama. Once befriending Charles “Dill” Baker Harris, who visits every summer, Dill, Scout, and her brother Jem, investigate the curious case of Arthur “Boo” Radley, the seldomley seen neighbor. Many times he would show affection by leaving presents, but only at the end of the book do Jem and Scout see him.…show more content…
The children are taunted for their father defending a black man, with words such as n**ger-lover. When Atticus is threatened by a lynch mob in front of the jail, Dill, Jem, and Scout manage to shame the mob into dispersion by making them see the situation from Atticus’ and Tom’s point of view. Though Atticus does his best, Tom is still convicted despite significant evidence of his innocence. Jem’s faith in the judicial system is badly shaken, as is Atticus’, when Tom is shot and killed. Bob Ewell commits vindictive assaults in spite of having won the trial, driven by a false sense of indignation, as Atticus had "destroyed [Ewell's] last shred of credibility at that trial." These assaults were; spitting in Atticus’ face, breaking into the judges house, and harassing Tom’s widow, Helen Robinson. His last act of vengeance is upon defenseless Jem and Scout, as they walk home alone in the dark, after the Halloween pageant. Amid the struggle, after Jem’s arm was broken, a mysterious person comes to the rescue and takes the unconscious Jem
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