Examples Of Loss Of Innocence In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Loss of Innocence To Kill a Mockingbird is considered a “coming of age” story. This means that during the novel some characters grow and mature in many different ways. In this case, Jem and Scout gain a new point of view of the society as they grow up. Starting with the narrator, Scout is a young five year old going to six child that sees things just how a typical child would, with an innocent perspective. A typical child would just go with what other people are saying and would not put in deep thoughts of what is going around them or what is being said. In Scout’s generation, since she was a child, America had been facing its most severe problems. The biggest being racism. She grew up knowing that the whites and blacks did not get along, but Scout’s father was not against African Americans unlike other people in Maycomb. He taught his kids to not hate someone just because of their skin color and taught them to love one another. In addition, Atticus accepted Tom Robinson’s case because he was dedicated to it and decided to defend a man that was falsely accused of raping a white woman.…show more content…
For example, Walter Cunningham coming over to their house. Scout insults him on the way he eats and makes him feel embarrassed and uncomfortable. She is not doing it on purpose, rather Scout is curious since she has never seen anyone who eats in the same way. Another example is when Dill asks Scout to marry him. Scout was the only girl Dill knew. Both of them are still too young to understand the meaning behind marriage, so they just pretend to be married to sense the feeling of being
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