Theme Of Loss Of Innocence In To Kill A Mockingbird

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To Kill a Mockingbird To Kill a Mockingbird is the best and only book written by Harper Lee. It’s a plethora of timeless themes that touch and change the viewpoints of many readers. The most prevalent theme expressed is that society corrupts and destroys the innocent. This is punctuated by the struggles and tribulations of Tom Robinson, Jeremy Finch, and Boo Radley. All three of these characters have been harmed, molded, or perceived by society in one way or another, each of them losing part of themselves in the process; one loses his life, another loses his innocence, and another loses his humanity. Tom Robinson is a black man who only has one arm (his left arm was lost in a cotton gin accident). He is falsely accused of raping and beating Mayella Ewell, a white girl. Throughout the duration of the story Harper Lee shows the reader that Tom Robinson is innocent while Mr. Ewell is guilty of beating his…show more content…
The book tells that during his exile in his home, he has been plagued by rumors depicting him as a nocturnal monster that eats cats. Despite this it is implied that he is only a lonely man craving friendship, this can be seen by the gifts he leaves in the tree knot for Scout and Jem. The only time that Boo physical materializes is when he shows up to defend the children from Bob Ewell. Based on these two examples, the reader comes to the conclusion that Boo Radley is a good person. In contrast the citizens of Maycomb talk and treat him like he is a monster. He is a shut in shunned by society’s vicious rumor but like Jem he understands the fine line of morality and is able to step outside his boundaries long enough to protect the children. Boo Radley lost his humanity to rumors spread by the citizens of Maycomb. Who knows what he could have become and accomplished without the stigma and prejudice of the small town he lived

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