Loss Of Innocence In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In the novel, “To Kill A Mockingbird” written by Harper Lee, illustrates how a child’s innocence is destroyed from society and the realization of the world around them. The theme shown throughout is the loss of a child’s innocence. In the beginning of the story, Scout and her brother Jem are typical, playful children. Once the novel progresses, their innocence is shredded and they are exposed to an evil they never knew existed, deteriorating their childhood. Their loss of innocence is sparked by Tom Robinson’s trial where they experience how cruel and unfair society can be. The setting the novel takes place is in Maycomb County, Alabama in the early 1930’s. Overall the story has many conflicts. For instance, the major conflict that took place was the trail of Bob Ewell vs. Tom Robinson. This is a person vs. person conflict and it affected all of the characters. The conflict is resolved when Boo killed Bob because now it’s even, the man responsible for Tom’s death is now dead. An internal conflict presented in the story is Atticus vs. himself. Since…show more content…
He fights for justice and equality in law and takes up a case involving a black man. Jem Finch is Scout’s older brother by four years. Jem is a brave, caring and bossy. Jean Louise (Scout) Finch is the narrator and protagonist in the story. She is intelligent, curious and a tomboy. Arthur “Boo” Radley is the Finch's neighbor who would leave presents for the kids. Boo mostly stays inside his house and he fascinates the children. He is shown to be generous, kind and protective. Calpurnia the Finch’s caretaker who disciplines the kids. She is portrayed as wise, stubborn and a mother figure to the children. Miss Maudie Atkinson is the Finch's neighbor and the kid’s friend. Lastly, Dill Harris is the kid’s neighbor in the summertime. Dill is shown to be very imaginative and
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