Examples Of Interpersonal Skills

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Interpersonal Skills These skills involve the use of gestures to communicate in a non-verbal way. Thereare various types of non-verbal communication which include: body movements, this can involve nodding your head for a sign of approval and, the use of hand gestures to emphasise what you are trying to say in a more creative way and helps to give you a more detailed explanation. Simple ‘Yes’ ‘No’ answers to closed questions can show a quick response to a question, but can show impatience in certain cases. Anderson, Jarvis, Kaye, Lawson, McGill, Phillips and Smith (2010. pg 17, paras 15 and 16.) Your body language itself can give clues about your character for example having good posture and, sitting up straight will show the audience that…show more content…
This skills is valued by employers because it shows that you can use another form of communication, that is specific to your audience. Sign language is also key in effective communication if you were dealing with an audience who are hard of hearing because, you are showing the audience you have taken their disability into consideration by altering the way you communicate with them. If you are talking to someone who is visually impaired or is on a phone line you should change your voice to make it more engaging, rather than keep it at a monotone. Regular pauses will also convey your message as the speaker showing you are able to stop and think about what you are saying, and giving the other person time to reflect on what you have said. Anderson, Jarvis, Kaye, Lawson, McGill, Phillips and Smith (2010. pg 17, para…show more content…
The style that you choose to write in ultimately depends on the purpose that you are writing for, and who you are writing for. This is dependent on the formality of the situation as well. In order to be successful in written communication it is important to plan your text type and structure it logically. Checking for grammatical errors when proof- reading your work is vital to the success of any good piece of written communication, as the audience will then start making an opinion based on what you have said and the way you have chosen to portray this message. Although in some cases spell checkers will find any mistakes in writing they don’t always pick up on grammatical errors so it is important for you, or someone else to check your work especially after 24 hours from when you last viewed it. (SkillsYouNeed,para 10, n.d.) You could also consider getting another colleague to look at your written work as this will be another person’s eyes on what you have been making. The feedback could be given verbally, written, or electronically on a computer as comment based
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