Advantages Of Social Networking Essay

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A social networking service or website is a platform to interact with or among the peoples, for example,The people can shares their ideas,messages, posts,interests, ac- tivities in worldwide network. A social network services are includes the represen- tation of each user and his/her profiles, his/her active participation on a social plat- forms,Chats,Gossip,Stories,Advertisements,Audios,Videos and a different types of web- services. These webservices are frequently considered as a social network service in a broader sense.Social networking sites share a variety of technical features that allow in- dividuals or the users to: built a public profile can also keep some contents of profile private visible to selected friends, make a list of other users that who share a connection and can see their list of connections within the system.Basically these visible profiles contains a list of ”friends”…show more content…
Many sites allow users to upload images or pictures, and can also add multimedia content to modify the veiw of the profile. e.g., Facebook, allow users to improve their profile by providing facility to insert,update, delete or add their personal information. Today,Many social networking sites allows the users to post their status or blogs,posts or messages, search for other peoples with similar interests,Preferences stated while creating public profile and share contacts. Generally User profiles consist an area to comments or to like to friends messages ,blogs,posts and other users.According to face book report 1 million link, 2 millon friends are requested, 3 million messages have been send for every 20 minutes on face book. The content that present in social network is constituted by short text, and the notable example is the messages written by Online Social Network users on specific private or public areas, known as general walls. Social
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