Consequences Of Communication In Communication

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Communication also has forces that work against it; the result is miscommunication and misunderstandings. The consequences deter effective communication. There are six ways in which language can be a barrier to communication. I do not have experiences in a business setting so the examples will be about life experiences. Cliché refers to phases used too often that they lose their lure. Verbal and nonverbal communication using cliché becomes monotonous and it shows a level of laziness in the person using the phases. For example, I always found out that I have used cliché mostly when I do not have enough time to do my assignments properly and most of the time paper rater helps me detect them. During that time, when I read my own work it sounds…show more content…
For example referring to women as inferior and giving them lower wages or salaries or giving employment by first considering the color of the person's skin are examples of sexist and Racist language. (McLean, 2010). Euphemisms refer to mild expressions that are disagreeable used as a substitute of a more offensive word but still conveying the same message. Euphemisms sometimes are not disrespectful but they bring more trouble than good in communication. For example, a person may choose to refer to a person as of loose morals, using "a person of loose morals" as the euphemism or as the more acceptable phrases, but people will still know what the speaker is referring to. (McLean, 2010). Double speak refers to the intended use of phrases that distort or disguise meaning. Double speak often leaves the audience in the dark and it results in ineffective communication since meaning will be hidden from the audience. For example, using people as test subjects for drug trails or other medical tests will be dangerous and would raise ethical issues in this case. (Mclean,
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