Examples Of Honor, Courage And Commitment

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Honor, Courage, and Commitment are the three core values of the Navy, but they should be the core values of life. They help mold people into upstanding citizens, and provide a foundation for one’s morals to develop from. These core values have also helped shape me into the young man I am today. Before joining NJROTC, I was a short, small, weak little freshman just entering into the world of highschool. When I was four years old, I was diagnosed with rare nerve disease called CIDP (Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy). I grew very weak and I was unable to do did not have a great deal of confidence, and I was not one of the popular kids by any means. My friends had joined NJROTC, but I did not want to because I felt that I could…show more content…
I always try and be the most honorable person I can be. I hate to lie to people, and I hate to cheat. I have also never used drugs, used tobacco, or gotten drunk. NJROTC has reinforced the need for respect when dealing with people, especially adults. No matter my dislike for a person I always try to treat them with respect and kindness. In my household, my parents never made me say yes sir or mam so I never usually said yes sir or mam to adults. Now, I always make sure to greet with a firm handshake and use yes sir or mam when talking to adults. I am glad that I have learned how to use Honor in my everyday…show more content…
I have definitely overextended myself this year. I thought that it would be best to do lots of different extracurricular things because this is my senior year, and it would look better to colleges if I was in many different clubs. Currently, I am in National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, Science Club, and Student Council. I am also the president of Beta Club. I have also been applying for colleges and writing several essays for scholarships. I also promised to help out my former chemistry with his classes; I stay an extra three and a half hours at school to help him. I also do a lot with NJROTC; I am on the academic team, and I am the captain of the marksmanship team. With all of these extracurricular duties, I seriously consider quitting some of these activities. I look around at my friends and see how much free time they have compared to me, and I do get jealous. However, I signed up for these duties, and I plan on staying committed. My SNSI Colonel Ryder has a famous saying, “A good reputation is worth more than silver and gold”, and I take those words to heart. I do not want to quit and let people down. I plan on staying committed no matter what it

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