Bradycardia Case Study

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Heart rate is the measurement of the contractions of the heart per minute. It normally regulated by the sinoatrial node ( SA node) known as the heart natural pacemaker, which is located in the posterior wall of the right atrium. Heart rate could be influenced by several factors as in some activity that can provoke change such as stress, sleep, and some drug. Bradycardia is a medical condition occurred when the heart beats less than 60 beats per minute. However, a normal variation of heart rate exists. For instance, during sleep, young adults who are physically fit, or in patients who are in medication such as beta blockers, calcium channel blockers and digitalis glycosides, the heart rate can be as low as 40 beats per minute. Bradycardia usually caused by increased vagal tone,…show more content…
Moreover, there are pathological causes of bradycardia. For example, electrolyte disturbance, infection, hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism, and increased intracranial pressure. Bradycardia also can be caused by sick sinus syndrome (SSS) which is a malfunctioning sinoatrial (SA node) , mainly due to aging and coronary artery disease. Bradycardia is usually asymptomatic, but generally, when a patient is experiencing bradycardia, they may manifest fatigue, dizziness, confusion and altered mental status. On ECG strip, there are three types of bradycardia. First, sinus bradycardia occurred when the SA node is generating a slower than 60 beats per minute rhythm. Since it is coming from the SA node, P wave is present with normal PR interval. Also there is regular RR interval, narrow QRS, and obviously every P wave is followed by QRS. Second, first degree AV block, there are P waves, but prolong PR interval with regular RR interval and narrow QRS. Third, second degree AV block, it is further divided into Mobitz| and Mrbitz ||. In 2nd degree Mobitz |, there are P waves but the PR interval is progressively prolonged and irregular

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