Rhetorical Analysis

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Martin Luther King Jr. is a name that is known nationally and internationally. He is a leader that is looked up to; a respected man for the work that he was able to complete throughout his lifetime. According to Funk & Wagnalls New World Encylopedia (2014), “Mr. King was an American clergyman and Nobel laureate, prominent leader of the American civil rights movement, who also advocated nonviolent resistance to racial oppression.” King wanted to use his position not to belittle ones around him and tell them their actions were wrong, but to show how they as a whole could better society through equality. When looking through his lifetime, we can see that he was a leader that is a great example and influence in today’s world and leadership strategies.…show more content…
states, “While his speeches are a masterpiece of rhetoric, I believe he also provides eight insights into what it takes to be a truly great leader.” It is said that Martin Luther King, Jr. and his accomplishments through out his life can teach us Eight Leadership Lessons (Hyatt, 2010). These eight leadership lessons are that as followed; Leaders do not sugarcoat reality, great leaders engage the heart, they refuse to accept the status quo, leaders create a sense of urgency, they call people to act in their highest values, great leaders refuse to settle, they acknowledge the sacrifice of their followers, and great leaders are able to paint a picture of a better tomorrow. These eight characteristics that are highlighted in the work of King Jr. can be seen going into the same categories with some of the 10 characteristics of Servant Leadership. He was able to engage the heart by using empathy, refusing to accept the status quo allowed him to show the characteristic of being committed to the growth of people. His sense of urgency and acting with the highest values shows how Martin Luther King Jr. had a high sense of awareness and his stewardship towards his fellow coworkers. As he was one that refused to settle shows his persuasion and perseverance in what he believed. When he was able to acknowledge the sacrifice of others he showed listening, healing and conceptualization as he was able to step back and see the big picture to make the right decisions. Finally, as Martin Luther was able to ‘paint a picture of a better tomorrow’ he showed us all his amazing foresight and vision for the equal society he knew we could

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