Sports And Society In Sports

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Sports and society influence each other. Sports can be perceived as a reflection of the society and resembles social inequalities through sports and they are also a means of group and class values endorsement (F. Ohl, 2000) According to Washington and Karen (2001) sports can be seen as an autonomous field which influences and is influenced by other fields and can therefore not be seen as just a reflection of the society Sports reflect major tendencies that are going on in a society and to a certain extend also how we treat people with a disability. Ohl (2000) describes how sport is subject to economic, political and social dimensions. When we relate these dimensions to the Paralympic games, we see that the Paralympic games are in all those…show more content…
Sport is not just a reflection of what happens in the society, sports can also have a reciprocal function. Sport can enforce and empower certain minority groups in the society (Tolleneer, 2006). And we can speak of this effect if we look at the Paralympic games. Through sport achievements of athletes with a disability the society becomes aware of the capabilities of an individual with a disability. However, this is only valid when the media presents the athletes with a disability that does justice to their accomplishments. Sexuality in…show more content…
This is phenomena goes back to the Greek and Roman times nude (I. Jirásek, 2013), where as the spectators where exposed to the perfect bodies of the athletes. Those athletes were often portrayed in art, whereby the athletes where exposed natural and nude (I. Jirásek, 2013). Jirásek (2013) describes how the Greek perceived athletics as a form of erotica and they appreciated the perfectness of the bodies of the athletes, but with naturalism as a whole. Nowadays the women Olympians are scarcely clothed in the summer games, and they appear more and more in magazines like the playboy (C Weaving, 2012). However, the way we perceive nudity in sports has changed from naturalism to porno-ization or sexism. Weaving (2014) states that marginalizing women like this is a form of sexism. Weaving (2014) acknowledges that sexism is not only a bodily discussion, but also racism, media control and commercialization is also related to the

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