Examples Of Fertility Preservation

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In normative ethics, the question of ‘what should I do?’ is normally answered. Among the numerous schools or approaches in normative ethics, the two most important lines are deontological and consequentialist theories. In deontological theories, an act (e.g. a decision) is right when it is in accordance with a moral rule or principle. This is purely a formal principle, as it does not tell us anything about the rules or principles themselves. The rules are specified by referring to reason, natural law or God. Those who focus on reason and rationality mostly refer to human rights. The human rights, as listed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, are prime examples of rules that would be the object of choice of all rational beings. So,…show more content…
Fertility preservation is not in the best interest of the patient. Fertility-preservation measures often hold a number of risks for the individual. Sperm cryopreservation is the main exception, although, even in this case, there may be some treatment delay if the recommendation is followed that three samples are banked with an abstinence period of 48h between each of the samples. When ovarian stimulation is needed, either to cryopreserve oocytes or embryos, there will be treatment delay of 2–3 weeks when one stimulation cycle is carried out or longer when several stimulation cycles are carried out. Other risks are surgical complications, ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome, diminished ovarian reserve (when an entire ovary is removed), and possible reintroduction of malignant cells. Besides the risks for the patient, fertility preservation can also be seen as giving false hope to the patients. A number of the procedures are still experimental and, therefore, some interventions may turn out to be useless. Also, with the exception of the use of cryopreserved sperm, the success rates of eventually establishing a pregnancy are rather low. Sometimes, the risk of postponing treatment will have to be weighed against the risk of not storing enough tissue to obtain a reasonable chance of success. Taking these three elements: risks, low success rates, and experimental status together, it becomes clear that fertility preservation is not always in the best interest of the

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