Bandung City Development Essay

2014 Words9 Pages
2.1 CITY PROFILE AND DEVELOPMENT GROWTH Bandung area is around 167.29 km2. Bandung is divided into 6 districts: Bojonegara, Cibeunying, Tegallega, Karees, Ujungberung and Gedebage. As one of the big cities in Indonesia, Bandung was started to develop in fifteenth century. Siregar (1990) classified the Bandung city development into several phases: (1) The traditional city (1810-1900) Bandung was the prosperous plantation area in the mid-19th century. The first rail-line that connected Bandung with Jakarta (Batavia) was built in 1880. This infrastructure development transformed the cultural life and also city development. Many hotels, shops and café with art deco style were built and became a social magnet for weekend cultural activities in the city and it gave Bandung the prominent reputation as ‘Paris of Java’. After railroad development, industrial activities were flourished. In 1906, with the decentralization policy from central government, Bandung became an independent municipality. It brought greater impact in city spatial development, such as city hall construction and also military headquarter development. Northern part of…show more content…
Using level of standard of clean water needs, every person needs 175l/p/d. When coverage of service area is 70% in 2008 and 80% in 20143 then clean water provision must be provided by government is about 4202l/s in 2008 and 5690 l/s in 2013. This task mainly is provided by PDAM. While the capacity of PDAM has reached 2200l/s in 2008, there is a lack of capacity for 3490 l/s needed to fulfill in 2013. The way to overcome this needs is to utilize run off in surface water in rainy season and use it in dry season. While the rest of people and industry that need clean water is fulfilled by uncontrolled digging ground water, then it will affect the structure underneath and the damage of environmental condition is inevitably. So, the use of it must be controlled strictly by

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