Examples Of Difficulties In Speaking

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RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Due to English is not the first language of many students in Turkey, students might face some difficulties when learning the language. Due to the fact that this study is small-scale research, it does not represent the population of Turkey. In this research, six adult L2 learners demonstrate outstanding levels of difficulties or challenges in certain fields such as speaking, listening, reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary. Each of the six students is aware of their own difficulties and weaknesses. The finding indicated that all students interviewed perceived that they have some difficulties in different skills but speaking is the hardest skill to learn among the four language skills. At first, six participants illustrated that among the common difficulties in speaking faced by students were related to grammar, lack of vocabulary. Only one of female participants mentioned that she has difficulty to speak in English because of shyness. Besides, she stated that she is worried about making grammatical mistakes and not having enough confidence to use the language. The other participants said that their difficulty in speaking is not related to shyness but they had to think more and were quite careful when speaking because of not to…show more content…
All participants stated that they do not have to write an essay in their life but they have some difficulties to use language while they are writing letter, e-mail and message. They explained that their difficulties are due to the fact that they do not think directly in English; they said that they are thinking in Turkish, and then translate their thoughts into English. Also, they mentioned that writing is a difficult skill not only because of transfer, but also because of lack of knowledge of the English grammatical rules and

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