Childhood Apraxia Of Speech

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Childhood Apraxia of speech (CAS) is an unusual speech disorder which a child has some difficulties in making accurate movement when speaking. In the childhood Apraxia of speech, the brain of a child struggles and have some difficulties to develop plans or ideas for a speech movement. With this kind of disorder, the speech muscles of the child aren’t weak, but they do not perform normally because the brain has difficulty in directing or coordinating the movements. To speak correctly, the child’s brain has to learn how to make some plans that tell his or her speech muscles how to move the lips, jaw and tongue in ways that result in accurate sounds and words are spoken with normal speed and rhythm as well. There are some signs and symptoms…show more content…
Besides that, difficulties with gross and fine motor movement skills or coordination is also one of the effect of apraxia. Hypersensitivity, in which for example the child may not like some textures in clothing or the texture of certain foods that they eat, or the child may not like to brush their…show more content…
Treatment selection depends on a number of factors, including the severity of the disorder and the communication needs of the child. Because symptoms typically vary both from child to child and within the same child with age, multiple approaches may be appropriate at a given time or over time. Despite all these, there are treatments options that are available for the child who is suffering with Apraxia of Speech. The first treatment option is, augmentative and alternative communication which is also known as AAC. It involves supplementing and replacing natural speech or writing with aided symbols and unaided symbols. For an instance, picture communication, line drawings, blissymbols, speech-generating devices and tangible objects are some examples of aided symbols. Example for unaided symbols are, manual signs, gestures and finger spelling. Unaided symbols require only body movements whereas aided symbols require some type of transmission device. Second option is motor programming approaches. This is based on motor programming or planning tenets. This treatment option focuses on accurate speech movement, external sensory input for speech production, carefully consider the conditions of practice used and provide appropriate types and schedules of feedback regarding

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