The Importance Of Personalization In Foreign Language Education

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In a sense, one of the most widely known techniques of TPRS, personalization, is another vital component in enhancing the lexical items in the minds of the learners. To be more precise, personalized questions and answers (PQA) is a practical teaching strategy which attracts attention because students are very attentive and enthusiastic when the topic is about them, their peers, and their curiosities, especially in middle school! In this respect, teachers personalize their stories based on the culture of students. Many experts now contend that personalization sets to become a fundamental factor in foreign language education corollary of the outcomes it provides teachers with applications, not to mention of its impact on students. First of all,…show more content…
Along with the teachers, students encounter similar difficulties when they move from conventional learning programs to this new, open and customizable learning environment since EFL learners worry about their oral production, which brings about an anxiety-provoking state while conversing in the L2. Furthermore, what concerns teachers, in fact, is the students' lack of experience, self-confidence, and motivation. Notwithstanding motivation, experience, and self-confidence encourage the students to share their ideas, they do not dare to communicate somewhat owing to the fear of making mistakes as well as being criticized by their teachers or friends and owing to being deprived of these…show more content…
What is more, it is challenging for teachers to maintain the classroom management when they give at least 1/2 of a class period to personalized question-and-answer exercises. Although teachers address the right to teaching by providing more students with an education, quality becomes harder for teachers to ensure when they need to work with all of the learners at the same time and they may get off the track by employing personalized question-and-answer exercises very often. In conjunction with this, it stands to reason that students learn best when they actively participate in the learning process, when they are engaged and motivated to learn, and when they can build on their existing knowledge and understanding, but that requires plenty of time. To put it mildly, it is not always feasible for a teacher to provide the students with active participation in chorus during the class due to the limited time and surfeit of subjects to teach. In general, these results suggest that regarding its utility, personalization suffers from a plethora of pitfalls even though it is deemed to be among the most commonly investigated teaching strategies in

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